Pixels & Places
The work of Australian Photographer Greg Hanlon

Pixels & Places
The work of Australian Photographer Greg Hanlon

Pixels & Places
The work of Australian Photographer Greg Hanlon

Pixels & Places
The work of Australian Photographer Greg Hanlon

Pixels & Places
The work of Australian Photographer Greg Hanlon

About Greg
With almost 40 years now well and truely behind him as the founding member & managing director of a company primarily focused on the Automotive, Transport and Mining Industries, Greg has now been rewarded with sufficient independence to more fully pursue his photographic journey.
The recent build and move to Macleay Island provides a more spacious environment, together with a less populated location to base his photography.
The genre of landscape has principally been Greg’s photographic focus, mainly for the freedom of planning and quiet solitude experienced while out and about early… but now with the recent addition of an OM Systems camera and longer lenses, the field has broadened to include the more challenging subjects of people and wildlife.